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Archive for September, 2011

The Smart Business Traveller Review

Now I’ve travelled quite a bit in my time and a couple of members of my family back in the UK travel an awful lot with their business, so I know only to well that it can be extremely stressful, but also cost so much money. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at one of the many websites where you can book flights and when you add up all of the costs including air port taxes etc, it really does cost an arm and a leg and is beyond the reach of so many people.


3 Ways to Make Testimonials Work Harder for You

Having a well-designed and put together website is not enough to garner the sales you want or to persuade people to complete some task, such as filling out a survey. Visitors to your blog are going to want to know they can trust you and what you want to sell them or what task you want them to complete. One way to gain their trust is using testimonials.

Once you have testimonials on your site, what is the best way to make them work harder for you? Try these three steps to make them work harder for you!


Essential Project Management Toolkit Review

I received an email from a good friend recently and she was desperate for any ideas of how she could run her business properly. It is quite a large business within the retail industry and due to the economic downturn she unfortunately had to lose a few valuable members of staff. One of these people used to control the project management side of the business and to be honest, my friend should have considered this before she came to the decision of who she would have to make redundant, but the fact of the matter was that she hadn’t, and as far as project management went, she just didn’t know where to start.